Albright Education Centre

Curriculum Intent

Developing the right pathway for each individual child, enabling them to flourish and succeed.”

The curriculum at Albright has been developed to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to gain essential skills and knowledge that they need to prepare them for their future success. Albright understands that a pupil’s future can take a path in many different ways from transitioning back to their mainstream, moving to another mainstream school or onto college, alternative providers or employment. Therefore it is vital that the curriculum offers all pupils the ability to develop skills and knowledge that will allow them to succeed in their individual path.

Key Stage 3

Pupils within Year 7, 8 and 9 are spilt into 2 classes depending on a range of baseline assessments. A pupil’s progress is tracked both in relation to SEMH and knowledge and skills acquired to ensure that they grow and flourish to reach their full potential and beyond.

Subjects: English, Maths, Science, ICT, Art, Humanities, Enrichment, PSHE, Mentoring, PE and Food

Key Stage 4

Within Key Stage 4 both years 10 and 11 are split into 3 classes in each year group depending on academic and social emotional need. The curriculum is carefully developed to ensure pupils have the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in their next chosen pathway. Academic and Vocational subjects are planned within the curriculum in order for pupils to achieve a set of diverse skills and knowledge balanced carefully with the demands of exams and coursework. Within Key Stage 4 pupils can cover the following subjects:

GCSE Subjects : GCSE Maths, GCSE English Language / Literature, GCSE Combined Science, GCSE Film Studies, GCSE Geography, GCSE History, GCSE Art and Design

Vocational Subjects : BTEC First Awards in Hospitality, Sport and Health & Social Care. BTEC Entry Levels in IT Users, Work Skills and Home Cooking Skills. BTEC Introductory Level in Hair and Beauty, Land Studies, Business, Sport and Public Services.

Social Emotional Subjects : PSHE, Mentoring, Enrichment and Next Steps.

“Developing the right pathway for each individual child, enabling them to flourish and succeed.”

Assessment / Monitoring Progress

In all subject areas pupils are monitored to ensure appropriate progress. Assessments are varied so all pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate progress in all topic areas. Timely interventions (at a subject based level) are put into place where appropriate.

Equality / Diversity

Within the Key Stage 3 and 4 curriculum we promote independence and resilience in order for every pupil to achieve their full potential and succeed. At Albright we feel that differentiation is vital in every lesson in order for pupils to make progress in academic and social emotional targets. From the information gained during the Induction it is decided how to best support pupils so they can access the curriculum effectively and have coping mechanisms that enable them to self-regulate their own behaviours. All pupils will have the opportunity to access a broad and balanced curriculum whist achieving the highest expectations set for them.

Albright Academy Curriculum Overview

In Key Stage 3 our aim is to re-ignite their love for reading, writing and giving voice to their ideas. Rebuilding their confidence in being able to access and engage in all types of material is also a driving force behind what we do. Our curriculum is split into three main topic areas, which offer up a plethora of opportunities for students to experience and read a variety of text types, genres and create both imaginative and original written and spoken pieces of work. We believe it is of the utmost importance that Key Stage 3 is a set apart from Key Stage 4, so that whilst they will be introduced to some of the core skills that will be called upon in the later school years, the main focus is for students to experience a wide and rich curriculum.

In Key Stage 4, where appropriate, students will study either follow the GCSE English Language pathway or the Step Up to English pathway. We follow the AQA examination board and begin, at the very start of Key Stage 4, to prepare our students for their exams. Throughout the two years, we ensure that our students are exposed to a wide range of exciting reading material which will help develop the core key skills required for their exams, as well as giving them ample opportunity to develop their creative writing and speaking and listening skills.

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary in most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

Key Stage 3

Year 7, 8 and 9 follow the Key Stage 3 scheme of work covering number, algebra, geometry, and statistics.

Key Stage 4

Pupils follow the Key Stage 4 scheme of work to prepare for the new Edexcel GCSE (9-1) examinations at the end of year 11.  They sit 3 exam papers at either Higher or Foundation tier.  We combine the topic work with a focus on confidence, problem-solving and reasoning, enjoying some ‘real-life’ maths activities like geo-coaching, whenever we can.

Also, where appropriate, an Entry Level Certificate in mathematics is available to pupils to help develop and apply their mathematical skills.


Key Stage 3

Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a thematic curriculum, with this year’s topics being ‘reflection’, ‘perception’ and ‘exploration’. Students will learn about waves, matter, organ systems variation, energy, forces, reactions, photosynthesis and respiration.

Key Stage 4

How is it taught?

Students in year 10 and 11 have five 50-minute lessons each week.  There are six final exams at the end of year 11; two Biology, two Physics and two in Chemistry.  Each of these assessments will last 1 hour and 10 minutes.

What do students learn?

Students will work towards a double award in Science with OCR (yr11) or AQA (yr10): equivalent to two GCSEs.  Covering areas such as cells, atoms and forces. Scientific skills are at the forefront of learning, and students will develop their critical thinking, teamwork, safety awareness and investigative skills.

In art, craft and design, pupils explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences to communicate ideas and meanings. They work with traditional and new media, developing confidence, competence, imagination and creativity. They learn to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which they were made. In art, craft and design, pupils reflect critically on their own and other people’s work, judging quality, value and meaning. They learn to think and act as artists, craftspeople and designers, working creatively and intelligently. They develop an appreciation of art, craft and design, and its role in the creative and cultural industries that enrich their lives.

Key Stage 3

The curriculum should provide opportunities for pupils to:

  • Work in, and across, the areas of fine art, craft and design, including both applied and fine art practices
  • Exploration of media, processes and techniques in 2D, 3D and new technologies
  • Study of a range of artefacts from contemporary, historical, personal and cultural contexts
  • Understanding of art, craft and design processes, associated equipment and safe working practices.

Key Stage 4

Pupils will be encouraged to research, develop and produce work at a personal level using a full range of media. The main areas of work could include:

  • Painting and drawing
  • 3D studies including card, wire, paper mache and plaster, etc.
  • Printmaking
  • Textiles
  • Examinations – GCSE using the OCR Examining Board


The Geography curriculum at Key Stage 4 aims to help all students develop the essential knowledge they need to become educated citizens.

The curriculum also is designed to help students engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

To this end, the geography curriculum has been designed so that it is broad in scope, relevant, up to date and varied. It aims to enrich student’s knowledge of the world in which they live, so that they have the tools to understand the world around them once they leave school.

At GCSE level we aim to create a passion in pupils for key periods of history and to provide the ability to dig deeper in the treasures that history offers.

Our subject is never going to be exhausted so our historians will learn how to look at history from different perspectives and how to analyse the interpretation of other historians in order to know about significant periods and themes, but more importantly to be able to decide for themselves what they think about them and to have confidence in their own opinions.

History, Geography and RE at KS3 intend to teach pupils about the world around them, but it is so much more than just this. We aim to enquire into big issues that affect us all and create proactive, knowledgeable pupils who will contribute to their own future.

We capture the questions of our pupils about the world and add context in order for them to practice their ability to hypothesize, articulate and justify their thoughts.

We encourage pupils to develop real transferable skills such as research, presentation and team leading in order to ensure they are equipped to understand and make a difference beyond their time at Albright.

Within RE topics we use the curriculum framework in the KS3 standards of the Sandwell Agreed Syllabus for RE. As a result pupils share the learning of RE topics with all school children across Sandwell.

Sandwell RE Syllabus

Key Stage 3

All pupils at Key Stage 3 will have the opportunity to access ICT in a discrete lesson. Pupils will gain a knowledge, skills and understanding of the various software packages that will be used to enhance their learning and future career prospects. The curriculum is designed for pupils access all software including Word Processing, Presentations, Spreadsheets, E-mail and image enhancing. They will experience different types of technology through project based learning were pupils develop their independence, resilience and team working skills.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 pupils will complete the BTEC Level 2 IT Users qualification. The purpose of these qualifications is to develop and recognise pupil’s IT skills and knowledge and enable them to use IT effectively in their daily lives. These qualifications have been developed to give learners the opportunity to:

· engage in learning which is relevant to them and will provide opportunities to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life

· gain a nationally recognised vocationally specific qualification to enter employment in the IT sector or to progress to further education course

The qualification comprises of different units based on a real life scenario in order that pupils will learn at their own pace and understand the importance of meeting deadlines to complete work set.

In KS3 students will focus on improving their physical, social and emotional wellbeing through an engaging range of sport and physical activities. Students are assessed on their attitudes, skills and knowledge and becoming happy, healthy and successful people through PE. This is achieved through experiencing a range of sporting activities within specific areas.

Students have two 50-minute lessons per week.

Sex and Relationship Education – Parent Guide

Key stage 3 runs on a two year rolling programme.

At key stage 3, students build on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and values they have acquired and developed during the primary phase. PSHE education acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media. PSHE Association 2020.

At key stage 4, students deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during key stage 3. PSHE education reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.

This Programme of Study sets out learning opportunities for all key stages, based on three core themes: