
Admission Arrangements

We are the short term education provider for the borough of Sandwell for pupils who are resident in Sandwell.  Pupils are taught at our centre based in Tipton, in their homes and in the hospital classroom or bedside at Sandwell General Hospital.

We accept referrals for pupils who have medical or psychological difficulties which make it difficult for them to attend their mainstream schools.

The service is a provision for pupils for whom special strategies and additional support have already been provided by their schools and by outside agencies without success.  We are not a first port of call.  We are a short term provision and we will work closely with mainstream schools and families to transition pupils back in to mainstream education at an appropriate for each individual.

We provide a safe and supportive, teaching and nurturing environment where pupils can achieve their potential academically, emotionally and socially, in preparation for a return to school or transition to College or training placements.

Admissions Criteria

Non-attendance at mainstream school caused by medical difficulties either physical or psychological/psychiatric: e.g. anxiety, depression, phobias.
Above difficulties manifested in a non-aggressive manner.
Support has been provided by school and outside agencies without success.
Referrals received from an appropriate professional for example, CAMHS, Shield, Education Psychologist or Hospital Consultant.
Referrals received from mainstream school with supporting report from at least one of the above professions.

Referral Procedure
Referral Form (Word)
Referral Form (PDF)